Acol Bridge Practice Hands
If you are learning to play acol bridge or want to improve your game, it can be very helpful to find some hands online that will help you practice your bidding and play.
If you join No Fear Bridge you will find hundreds of acol bridge practice hands. They are divided into different topics and different levels to help you learn at your own pace. (Click here for your 2 weeks’ trial)
Here is a screenshot from one of the hands I was playing just a few minutes ago.
It’s a practice hand in the Declarer Hands section. It’s a level one hand for beginners/revisers and the topic was “Discarding Losers”. With this hand you are free to play the game in whichever way you choose and are then given helpful advice and guidance on the best way to play after you have completed the game.
To get the most from these hands, pick a topic that you want to learn and then work your way through some of the tutorial and quizzes. When you think you understand the topic, play your way through the practice hands. The feedback and guidance will be an invaluable aid to helping you understand and memorise.
This is a list of topics and the number of hands available for declarer play practice. As you can see there are going on for 2000 hands new hands are constantly being added to help you continue learning.
In the Defence section of the site there are guided hands to help you learn to become an effective defender. It’s easy to think that if you defending there is little you can do to defeat the contract. That’s not the case – good defending can play a key role in helping your partnership win. Don’t just sit back and hope the declarers will make a mistake. Take an active part and learn how to defend effectively.
Here is a screenshot of a hand from the “third hand play” topic. It’s a level 2 topic, for improvers. As you can see, with this hand, if you make an incorrect move you are given feedback to help you decide which card to play.
If you join No Fear Bridge today you can access all these hands for free for two weeks. This is a genuine, no obligation, free trial. No credit card or other financial details will be taken unless you decide to continue your membership at the end of your trial.
So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain in becoming a better bridge player.
Acol bridge players can get their two week trial HERE.
American standard bridge players can get a two week trial to No Fear Bridge USA HERE.
January 24, 2018 @ 9:12 am
Please advise how much it is to join after the free trial period. Is it for a fixed term or indefinite. Thanks. Libby
January 24, 2018 @ 10:01 am
Hello Libby. Currently (Jan 2018), you can purchase 3 months’ membership for £15 or a full year for £48. Hope that helps.
September 13, 2022 @ 6:06 am
I hope I learn from your teachings. I really desire to learn Acol Bridge and I always want to acquire success.