A Quick Look At What No Fear Bridge Offers
Being able to:
- log in online at any time and practice your bridge bidding in between your classes or club sessions.
- learn to play bridge safely, in the comfort of your own home.
- Playing a hand and immediately receiving feedback on how you played and how you could improve your playing.
- Having fun with interactive quizzes and tutorials.
- Watching your bridge card play and bridge game play improve.
Having access to:
- hundreds of flashcards on a wide range of bridge playing topics.
- hundreds of interactive tutorials that will help improve your bridge playing technique and knowledge.
You Too Can Learn To Play Bridge Online
Everyday thousands of people just like you are learning to improve their bridge playing skills online, using interactive learning activities.
Whether you’re a complete beginner, an improver or even an advanced player, you can learn new skills that will help improve your bridge playing online.
And you don’t need to be a computer superstar to get started. You will very quickly learn how to become a better bridge player.
Ok. Where Can I Learn To Play Bridge Online?
It is the number 1 site for anyone wanting to learn how to play bridge online.
Why do I say that?
1. No obligation, two week free trial
You can take a no obligation, two week free trial. No need to give your credit card details unless or until you decide to continue. No need to give your personal details unless or until you decide to continue.
2. No Fear Bridge is run by Leigh Harding.
A highly experienced bridge class teacher. Once you’ve tried her interactive site with its activities, progress chart, quizzes, tutorials, flashcards and more, you’ll be hooked!
Go ahead, dive right in and:
Sign up for your “How to Play Bridge – Two Week Free Trial”
There really is No Obligation and you can start learning or improving your Acol or American Standard bridge bidding and play immediately.
Try the interactive activities, see if you can get your username featured on the weekly quiz leaderboard.
Learn or improve your bridge skills in a fun and easy way. New content is added to the site regularly so there is always something new for you to enjoy.
You can learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. Work on specific topics, such as how to improve your declarer play in bridge.
Computers don’t get bored – repeat a topic as often as you need to help you master it. You will never be forced to move on to another topic until you feel you are ready.
You have your own progress chart so you can monitor your progress in the quizzes. Watch as your card playing and bidding skills improve. Watch as your declarer play improves.
Each day there are three different hands of the day. A level 1 or 2 hand for beginning bridge players. A level 3 hand for improving players. An advancer’s hand – go on, challenge yourself!
There are also 100s of hands that you can play at any time just by choosing from the menu bar.
Interactive bidding practice – if you’re not happy with your results, replay your bids on any hands that you want until you get them correct.
Many of the hands now feature audio feedback to help you understand the best way to play the hand.
And that’s not everything …
At No Fear Bridge, not only is there bidding practice, you’ll also find tutorials that you can watch on each aspect of playing bridge, including the all important skill of defending. Bridge defence is a vital skill to learn. It’s easy to think there is little you can do if you are defending. That isn’t true. Bridge defence lessons can help improve your bridge play.
You can take quizzes and work through personalised sets of flashcards to help you become a better bridge player in no time at all.
Astounding your fellow bridge players at home or at your club or class. If you already play at your local club you will quickly learn how to play better duplicate bridge. Your bridge playing strategy will improve, guided by the thousands of lessons, hands outs and videos.
Just sign up for your two week trial. (remember … there’s no obligation!)
Still Not Convinced That You Can Significantly Improve Your Bridge Playing With No Fear Bridge?
Let me expand a little more on exactly what you can do to significantly improve your Bridge playing at No Fear Bridge.
How to Bid In Bridge - Bidding Practice
Bidding practice at No Fear Bridge is interactive. Each time you choose a topic you will be given a selection of 12 hands to practice bidding.
If you choose an incorrect bid, you’ll hear audio feedback explaining why your choice was wrong.
Challenge yourself to bid all the hands correctly. You can come back and try as often as you need to . Before you know it, you’ll find you can bid all the hands correctly and your confidence and skills will be abundant! Bridge bidding includes topics for all levels … beginners, improvers and advancers so whatever your ability you’ll be challenged to improve your skill level in a fun and interactive way.
Tutorials On Some Of The Bridge Bidding Conventions
Learn about The Rule of 11
What is The Rule Of 11 and when should you use it? Just one of the tutorials grouped by level from Level 0 for complete beginners, to level 3 for advancers. All designed to help you understand aspects of bridge including conventions.
Losing Trick Count
What is The Losing Trick Count? How and when should you use it?
No Trump Rebids
Improve your understanding of No Trump Rebids.
Stayman Bidding
Learn about the Stayman Bidding convention and what it can tell you about your partner’s hand.
You get to choose from hundreds of multiple choice quizzes on a whole range of topics for beginners, improvers and advanced players.
Have fun testing your knowledge on topics such a Preempts, Takeout Doubles, Stayman, Strong Twos, Fourth Suit Forcing.
Your quiz is marked instantly AND you can learn from the feedback for wrong answers.
Take a quick look at one of the weekly leads quizzes:
Bridge Bidding Cheat Sheet
A very popular download on both No Fear Bridge US and No Fear Bridge UK. The cheat sheets have all the most common bids laid out in an easy to follow chart.
Print it out and keep it beside you if you are playing with friends or playing against robots online. Tell your friends about it. They can join No Fear Bridge and download their own cheat sheet.
Leads Practice
Do you know how to decide which card to lead in bridge?
Don’t worry, with over 400 hand for you to practice with, you’ll soon master it. If you select an incorrect or inferior lead you will receive instant feedback.
Millionaire Quizzes
The ultimate challenge. Be points rich! Can you score a million points on your chosen topic?
Topics include Stayman, No Trumps.
Weekly Quizzes
You have two weekly quizzes to choose from. When you can consistently answer 20/20 questions correctly in the regular weekly quiz, move on and try the harder quiz. Who knows, before long you may even top the weekly leader board?
No Fear Bridge Is All About You Learning How To Become A Better Bridge Player By Focusing On The Exact Skills You Need To Improve.
Monitoring Your Progress Will Help You Learne Faster and More Easily.
At No Fear Bridge, you see your progress in the weekly quiz plotted on your own personal progress graph. In no time, you’ll be amazed as you watch your skill level rise. And before long you’ll be playing bridge with more confidence and ability than you ever thought possible!
And There's More
Challenge yourself with some Advancers Hands. Practice some defence hands. There’s something for everyone at No Fear Bridge. New topics are added regularly so you’ll always find something fun and challenging to help improve your bridge play
If you find after two weeks that you have not improved you simply end your trial membership without any further commitment.
I have every faith that you WILL improve your skills with No Fear Bridge.
Here’s to your growth and success at Bridge!
No credit card or other personal details are required for the trial. Just a valid email address to receive your password.
No credit card or other personal details are required for the trial. Just a valid email address to receive your password. Full Joining Details
No Fear Bridge does not disclose email details to third parties except to those parties involved in the processing of credit card payments. Privacy Policy